December 10 – Wisdom
Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
(Author: Susannah Conway)
This past summer, after much thought, prayer and discussion with my husband, I made the decision to stay home with my three year old son. I had been working full time, helping my husband with our church and running a household like every other mom out there. My little guy needed me. He needed something consistent and he needed an outlet for all his energy.
We also decided that it would be in our children's best interest to have them attend a new school. Up until then, they had always been in Christian School or homeschooled.
I homeschooled them for a couple years and we loved it. I've been a teacher for close to 15 years and I didn't have any problems...at first. My fourth child came along and as he got older - he became more and more active - depending on more of my attention than I could give because I was busy trying to teach pre-algebra and physical science! I knew that their academics would suffer because we weren't balanced and I immediately threw up the white flag and put them in private school.
So, as their 2010 school year ended in June, I already knew that they still were not getting what I knew they needed. As scary as it was for us, we made the decision to put our kids in regular 'ole public school.
We were fortunate to also move in June and we happened to move into one of the better school districts in the area. It was the best move we made. I am now volunteering some time in Naomi's kindergarten class and I am just so impressed with all the learning and growing. Taryn is in grade 6 and doing very well. Hannah is in grade 10 and she has been doing great too. Both of the girls were a bit behind in math - but now they are able to get help and are improving tremendously.
As scary as it is, sometimes the wisest decisions are the ones where you take a leap. Change can be good and for us, it definitely was good.
ReplyDeleteI can definitely identify with much of what you have written. I have never been a fan of change but when God does the changing it is best to get on board:) A lesson the Lord taught me a long time ago is that there are blessings in the detours. So often we grumble when we see "detour" signs in our life but God is leading the way. Life is full of stages and we think we are fully equipped for the next one; I am learning that I will always be learning:) It is only through God's love and mercy that I care to journey through life. Love ya<3
I appreciate this so much and respect the women who actually make the decision to stay home with their children instead of feeling pressured or coerced into it by life's circumstances or a forceful husband. The Lord leads us to and through different changes throughout life for our growth and his glory. We do well to remember that these changes don't typically coincide so well with the American ideal of staying put in the same house with the same life forever. We want so bad for heaven to be earth. Wanna get comfortable. This was such an encouraging read! Thank you. We're coming up on some new things in the next few months. Pray for my family if you remember. :)
ReplyDeleteThe wisest decision we made in 2010 is for my husband to quit working for his dad. 2009 was the hardest year financially and emotionally for us. God provided him with a really good job and allowed me to work part time. My house and my kids needed the attention and i can relate to you in this matter. It was a hard and scary move but God was with us every step.