Friday, January 28, 2011

3 in 30 January Wrap Up...

Wow. I just typed out a big post about my January goals and they just sliiiiipped away into cyber world, I guess. I went to view my post and only half of it was there. Let's try this again!
I am participating in the 3in30 challenge hosted by Tuckers Take Tennessee and I am so glad I have this to keep me accountable. Although I did not meet all of my goals, I came close and never forgot about them because of our weekly check-ins. My goals were:
1. Be more faithful in my daily quiet time (Bible reading, praying, studying, planning, etc.) ~ This was my most successful goal and I am so happy, because it was the most important one for me. Not only was I more faithful to it, but I was able to do it daily and get so much more out of it than I usually do. I found several new blogs that will help with ministry ideas as well as daily devotional helps. I will be continuing this of course.
2. Begin some habits towards health goals ~ Well, I was pretty vague in setting this goal. I think I did that on purpose. haha. It's almost like I had this rebellious spirit about it to begin with, but now I know I need to get on the ball about it. I am not comfortable in my own you know what I'm saying?? Sheesh. Anyway, I have been doing great on the water, but that's about it. I haven't gained, but I have not lost. =/
3. Begin de-cluttering the house ~ Okay. I did pretty well in this area. Especially my craft room. =) That makes me the happiest. Of course this goal is always going to be a work in progress with 6 people living in this house, but it's getting there!

So for February, I've got 3 new goals...Okay 2 new ones and 1 old one that MUST be accomplished. I am going to change that one up a little so that I will really challenge myself.
1. Get to know my hometown ~ This may not sound very important, but I live in a pretty cool city here in Southern California. It's filled with rich history, cultural diversity and beautiful sights! My one little word for 2011 is JOURNEY and this goal will work as part of me wanting to see and do more on my JOURNEY.
2. Read more...for ME. ~ I love to read. LOVE it. I have not had much time to read for pleasure lately. I am going to make time. Just like my art is important to me and my journaling, so is reading. I read plenty - online, magazines, self-help, spiritual guidance, how-to's...but I just want to get back into my super thick historical fiction books. I have a goal to read Jane Austen everything this year, so I might just start with that. Make time. Every day. I must.
3. Lose 10 lbs. ~ Okay. This is what makes me get busy. I just didn't want to put it out there last month 'cause it's almost like I knew I wouldn't be ready for it. But enough is enough. Just start with 10 right? I can do that. More water, cut out the sugar/starch/carbs, get my butt moving... I can do this.

How are you doing with your 2011 goals? Have your New Year resolutions already fallen by the way side? Click the 3 in 30 button and join in the fun! You'll be glad you did. =)

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