Friday, January 14, 2011

3 in 30|January|Week Two

Checking in for my 3in30!

1. Daily Quiet Time ~ This has been great. I have found two new blogs/websites that have been very inspiring and are consistent in their posting. I read at least one of them daily and I've learned so much already. I've also been finding new music that really speaks to me ~ even better when I've got the big earphones on and can tune out everything else and just SING. =) I have been writing devotions and spiritual thoughts again and I have been thinking about a special way to share them on my blog, so that is in the works as well.

Scripture Memory for the week:

Zephaniah 3:17~ The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.”

2. Begin/be more consistent with some habits towards health goals ~ I've been getting my water in each day and I must say that I haven't had a severe headache all week! Also, the weather has been very dry lately and my skin has been taking a beating! I hope this water intake will make a difference for this as well. I've been more conscientious again about the amount of junk that I've been eating. Portion control is a big issue for me too. Grocery shopping day is Monday and I won't be buying starchy products this time around and will be focusing more on the lean meats, fish and produce. My children love it - it's just a matter of planning and serving it.

3. Operation De-clutter and Organize the house so it feels more like HOME. ~ I have been feeling VERY good about this one. My scraproom got organized last week and this week my husband and I worked on the garage. We still have quite a bit of work to do, but there is definite progress. I think that the majority of our boxes are books. I think I will be able to purge some of them, but honestly...I love my books. I need to get them on the bookshelves and then I will really be able to evaluate what can stay and what can be given away.

I've had quite a busy and eventful week, but I am glad that I had this challenge on my mind. I am thankful for the accountability that keeps me going. Just three goals each month. That makes it more do-able. This year is the year I am focusing more on the JOURNEY and these goals are going to help me with that as well. If you want to join in, it's not too late! Click on the tab above or in my side bar. Let me know or share your link here so I can cheer you on. =)

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