Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Ultimate Blog Bash 2011~Hosted by Women Living Well Ministries

Hello! My name is Sherry and I am taking this time to formally introduce myself to all my cyber friends out there! *WAVING*  Courtney, at Women Living Well Ministries, is hosting a blog bash and I am really excited about meeting other bloggers that have the same interests and focus as I do.  Anyone linking up was asked to share some information about themselves, so that's what I'm going to do!  If you already know me, you can just read along for support. =)
I am a follower of Christ. I am married to my pastor. =)  I have four beautiful children - ages 16, 11, 6, and 4 (my only boy).  I live in Southern California.  I am a teacher and an artist.
I have kept a journal or diary of some sort since I was very young.  I've always enjoyed writing. I began blogging several years ago under a different blog name.  That blog had a bit of everything in it, much like my current blog.  Then I started a blog for my art and altered art creations and it became a place for me to show some of my heart and interests and also to take part in fun swaps and challenges.  Eventually, all of that came together into one blog and that is this one: HE{ART}.  A little of my heart, my art and everything in between.  I really wanted to blog to keep my family and friends, who lived far away, updated on our lives with pictures and stories.  For a little while, I really got into Facebook and my blog was neglected.  I started to miss writing on my blog and I had people asking me why I hadn't blogged.
They said that they missed it and was really encouraged when they read it.  Wow!  I never thought of my blog really making any kind of difference out there.  So, not too long ago, I started looking at my blog in a different way.  I decided that I would really share my heart.  I wanted to encourage others and at the same time - be realistic with them.  As a pastor's wife, sometimes when I am asked for advice, I think of what I could say to sound like I've got all the answers and then I think of what I should say that will be practical and real for them to apply to their lives.  The world does not revolve around me.  I want to be a light for my Savior.  I go to God's Word for inspiration, encouragement, guidance and more.
I like to blog, write, art and have my daily quiet time all in the same spot.  It is my HAPPY PLACE.
Yes, it's a bit cluttered here in this picture, but it works for me.  I am in the zone here.  I usually turn on some Pandora Radio and have it set to some Jim Brickman piano music or something quiet while I read.  Usually after I've had my quiet time and I've got some good stuff to share, I will start blogging.  I realize that I am on a personal journey of discovering who I am, who I am in Christ and who I am in my many roles as a woman - Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Minister, Teacher, Artist, etc. =)

Some random things I like:
  1. Avocados - LOVE them.
  2. Historical Fiction 
  3. A new magazine - any kind - but especially the ones published by Somerset Studio
  4. Coffee - add some yummy seasonal creamer and I like it even better!
  5. Autumn - I love everything about the fall season
  6. Brand new Crayola Crayons - the smell, the bright box...
  7. Pedicures - I don't get to go that often, but I love to be pampered.
  8. Journals - all sorts
  9. Pinterest - clearly it should've come with a warning label. Very addictive
  10. Photography/Scrapbooking/Paper Crafting/Yougethepicture =)
Well, there you go.  I will leave you with one of my favorite verses.  It is one that I am clinging to even more these days:
Jeremiah 29:11~For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It's always great to know who stopped by, so leave me a comment and say "Hey!"


  1. I've been needing to link up too. I always love reading your post. You're an amazing Sister,Mom, Friend, Daughter and Christian

  2. Awesome scripture. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Visiting from WLW and noticing we have a lot in common. I am an artist, and also married to a ministry man, coffee, pinterest...need I say more??. :) Nice to "meet" you!

  4. Although, i know most of that about you, i enjoyed reading it :)

  5. It's so good to "meet" you! I'm stopping by via the Blog Bash 2011... have a BLESSED weekend!!

  6. I am so, so, so happy that I found you on Courtney's Blog Bash!!

    My husband was ordained two weeks ago, we are planting a church here in the town we live in, and I am now officially a Pastor's Wife as well! :)

    I cannot wait to hear more about your heart, and art!

    -Meredith My Journey to Authenticity

  7. Aloha Sherry! trying to link up to the blog bash. sure hope I can figure it out and do it correctly! thank you for sharing a bit about yourself. I have really enjoyed getting to know you through your blog and HE art!!!!!
    God bless you!!!


I'd love to hear your thoughts and get to know you, so leave a comment. Thanks for stopping by...